Your Highest Scoring Pillar
Recreational Intimacy is being active together. Find those things that you like to do and do them with your spouse. It’s the plans the two of you make; doing things you enjoy. When this is working, you don’t sit in the driveway playing the “What do you want to do?” game?
Start Your Journey to an Extraordinary Marriage!
Start Your Journey to an Extraordinary Marriage!
Couples who have a strong recreational intimacy pillar regularly spend time together and enjoy doing so. They find ways to connect outside of their obligations and chores. We discuss the Recreational Intimacy Pillar in Chapter 9 of The 6 Pillars of Intimacy® book.

Recreational Intimacy is one of the 6 Pillars of Intimacy – along with emotional intimacy, physical intimacy, financial intimacy, spiritual intimacy and sexual intimacy – which makes for a strong foundation of a long-lasting marriage.

When a couple has strong Recreational Intimacy they have discovered how to spend time together—and enjoy it. Strength here allows you to build the other 5 Pillars of Intimacy. However, sometimes making the leap from one pillar being strong to all 6 Pillars of Intimacy® being strong takes time, effort and a bit of help…
6 Pillars of Intimacy® Found Inside and Outside Your Bedroom
What most couples don’t realize (even the really smart ones!) is that there are many forms of intimacy. And they all impact the strength, commitment, and fulfillment of our relationship. Here are all 6 Pillars of Intimacy® needed for an extraordinary marriage:

Emotional Intimacy

Emotional Intimacy involves a closeness created through sharing our feelings, thoughts and desires.

Physical Intimacy

Physical Intimacy is loving touch. Be it holding hands, a hug, a kiss or even cuddling—we humans were designed to want to be touched.

Financial Intimacy

Financial Intimacy is the sharing of all aspects of your financial situation. It’s creating a plan for your finances—together.

Spiritual Intimacy

Spiritual Intimacy is shared religious beliefs and observed religious practices. This can be praying together, going to church together, or discussing spiritual issues as a couple.

Recreational Intimacy

Recreational Intimacy is being active together. It’s doing activities that are fun and create memories.

Sexual Intimacy

Sexual Intimacy involves everything that encompasses your sexual connection with your spouse. This can be romance, initiating, foreplay or sexual intercourse.
Ready to get that spark back in your marriage 
Ready to get that spark back in your marriage 
6-Day Intimacy Breakthrough is designed to help you discover where the cracks are in your relationship so you can start to fix them and experience deeper and richer levels of intimacy with your spouse—starting today.

If you feel like your marriage has plateaued or you’re stuck in roommate mode, think of these as your baby steps.
No one crosses the finish line of a marathon without taking the first step AND training. These next 6 Days are your starting line.

You don’t need more marriage advice. You need the RIGHT framework with the RIGHT exercise to get the intimacy back in your marriage!
Alisa DiLorenzo on...
RecreationaL INTIMACY
Watch the Video Now to Learn More!
Don't Just Take Our Word For It...
Don't Just Take Our Word For It...
See What Others Have Said About Their Experience!
“Before starting the coaching with Alisa, my husband and I had gotten to the point that we barely talked and didn't feel connected to each other. It was like we were just making it through the daily tasks but it didn't feel like a marriage. After just a few calls, we are making lots of progress. We make it a point to put each other before our kids and all the stuff that happens in life. We have been intentional about communicating and working together. We are talking a lot more and actually laughing again and having fun with each other. It feels good to see my husband smile again.”
Sarah N.
Improve Your marriage today
Improve Your marriage today
Get Results for Both Short-Term Relief and Long-Term Change in 4 Steps
Get Results for Both Short-Term Relief and Long-Term Change in 4 Steps
Meet Your Coach, Alisa DiLorenzo. From the beginning she asks questions, gets to know you better, and truly wants to understand your unique challenges and your goals.
Get Started with a Comprehensive Application. Prior to your first coaching session you’ll complete the application which helps both you and Alisa unpack exactly what is going on in your relationship.
Your Initial Coaching Session with Alisa. During this session Alisa will get to know you, review your answers to the application and develop an understanding for how you best work.
 Have Someone Hold You Accountable. As you work toward achieving your relationship goals, Alisa will ask you the right questions to help you evaluate and apply what you’ve learned.
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