Couples who have a strong recreational intimacy pillar regularly spend time together and enjoy doing so. They find ways to connect outside of their obligations and chores. We discuss the Recreational Intimacy Pillar in Chapter 9 of The 6 Pillars of Intimacy® book.
Recreational Intimacy is one of the 6 Pillars of Intimacy – along with emotional intimacy, physical intimacy, financial intimacy, spiritual intimacy and sexual intimacy – which makes for a strong foundation of a long-lasting marriage.
When a couple has strong Recreational Intimacy they have discovered how to spend time together—and enjoy it. Strength here allows you to build the other 5 Pillars of Intimacy. However, sometimes making the leap from one pillar being strong to all 6 Pillars of Intimacy® being strong takes time, effort and a bit of help…