Meet our good friend Elle Ingalls. Elle has been married for 34 years and mother of three grown sons, with a background as a symphony executive, violinist, conductor, athletic coach, and three degrees from the University of Michigan in music and an MBA.
With this varied experience, she approaches her work in a unique, performance-based way and has coached physicians and mental health professionals who never had the chance to delve as deeply into the stress response as she has.
Elle has a wide bandwidth and so do most of her clients; she's a polymath with many interests and abilities. Over the years, she has experienced the effects of stress and powered through even though her body was trying to tell her that she had an issue with stress - eczema, stress acne, stress fat, fibrous breast tissue, and more. These sides effects of stress all disappeared when she used the very method she created.
The Pressure-Free Method has saved and enhanced her life, her family's lives, and her clients' lives in ways she could have never dreamed.