On-Demand Marriage Courses
Discover a Proven Method to Keep (or Restore) A Happy, Healthy, Deeply Satisfying Connection With Your Spouse
6 Pillars of Intimacy®
Virtual Seminar
Is it really possible to rekindle the spark and restore the “like-new” connection in your marriage?

Can you strengthen your bond, evolve and grow together, and enjoy deep levels of love and intimacy that rival your newlywed days?

And, more importantly, can you do any or all of that without having to digest mountains of psychology books, or pouring your hearts out to a total stranger in endless counseling sessions?

Yes, it is... and today, you’ll see just how easy it may be for you!
The 6 Pillars of Intimacy Free Quiz
 Actionable wisdom: This is the stuff you need to know to create an extraordinary marriage.
 It only takes 10 minutes: So you can start making improvements today!
 It's FREE: So what do you really have to lose?
Get a proven marriage expert-designed formula to help you resolve disagreements in a healthy way
The Conflict Cycle Workshop
Do you feel like you and your spouse are tip-toeing around each other?

When you disagree, do you often find yourselves in one of these common scenarios - walking away completely or blowing up at one another?

Or maybe you’re avoiding bringing up those ‘touchy subjects’ altogether to avoid a fight?

But resentment and unspoken needs simmer underneath and tend to boil over anyway?

You’re not alone.
Learn the secret techniques you can apply to save your marriage
I Love You But I'm Not In Love With You Masterclass
Divorce rates are higher than ever.

And if you’re not trained to resolve Entrenchment, you have no options left to stop it.

It’s not your fault for not knowing what you were never taught.

This is your marriage on the line, and the reason it is struggling right now is because of what you don’t know.

Your marriage CAN be fixed, but YOU have to be prepared to put in the legwork!

If you are ready to step up and learn. To implement. To take charge of the fate of your marriage…

Join us to learn the system and tools that put the power back in your court.
Learn the secret techniques you can apply to save your marriage
I Love You But I'm Not In Love With You Masterclass
Divorce rates are higher than ever.

And if you’re not trained to resolve Entrenchment, you have no options left to stop it.

It’s not your fault for not knowing what you were never taught.

This is your marriage on the line, and the reason it is struggling right now is because of what you don’t know.

Your marriage CAN be fixed, but YOU have to be prepared to put in the legwork!

If you are ready to step up and learn. To implement. To take charge of the fate of your marriage…

Join us to learn the system and tools that put the power back in your court.
12 Steps to Overcome Porn Addiction In Just 12 Weeks
Porn Free Man masterclass
Are you struggling with a compulsive and addictive behavior with porn & masturbation?

Has this issue infiltrated your marriage & intimacy and made you feel disconnected from your wife?

Do you feel like you’ve let your wife & family down because you can’t show up as the husband and father your family deserves?

Are you sick and tired of “trying to quit” and constantly finding yourself caught up in the relapse/recovery cycle?

If the answers to these questions are YES, don’t worry, you are not alone…
A Path to self-discovery, healing, and empowerment
Overcoming Codependency In Your Marriage
“Why can’t my spouse act the way I want them to? They should know exactly how I feel without having to explain myself.”

You feel so frustrated, like no one could ever understand what’s happening in your marriage.

Being connected used to feel so effortless. Now it feels like you’re both speaking two different languages.

How did marriage get so hard?

Many people think their spouse is the one to blame, simply because they don’t understand the addictive cycle of codependency.
How to Create a pressure-free experience for deeper love and sensation
stress and sex masterclass
"Not tonight, honey, I've had such a stressful day."

Have you ever noticed how stress gets in the way of experiencing the intimacy (closeness and connection) you want in your marriage?

It's a pretty tangled mess from how you feel emotionally to the symptoms in your body that make sex the last thing you want to do. And when one spouse is stressed, it's so easy for the other to begin experiencing stress, too.

Over the years this has been our marriage. We've experienced the stress of financial strain, the loss of a child, raising children through the different stages of life, and many other situations that have caused stress.
A Path To Self-Discovery, Healing, And Empowerment
Overcoming Codependency In Your Marriage
“Why can’t my spouse act the way I want them to? They should know exactly how I feel without having to explain myself.”

You feel so frustrated, like no one could ever understand what’s happening in your marriage.

Being connected used to feel so effortless. Now it feels like you’re both speaking two different languages.

How did marriage get so hard?

Many people think their spouse is the one to blame, simply because they don’t understand the addictive cycle of codependency.
ONE Extraordinary Marriage — Copyright © 2024+